Wednesday 2 May 2012

Strut'n Our Stuff for a great Cause!

Hello my loves! Hope you week is going fabulous so far! So here is whats going on this week, i am quite excited for it...Walk So Kids Can Talk!!  Me and my lovely fur baby Ceasar are going to strut our stuff to help support the Kids Help Phone.  As a Child and Youth Care worker I think it is extremely important for kids to have as many resources as possible available to them in times of need! the Kids Help Phone is not something i have ever personally used, but i was extremely fortunate to have an amazingly supportive and loving family!  But seriously, what a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon then joining together with amazing people to help raise awareness and support for a muchhhh needed cause and getting exercise at the same time!  I am excited, this is the first volunteering event that I am doing on my own...well with Ceasar by my side of course :)  So if you would like to make a donation through my pledge profile it would be incredibly appreciated! If you can't spare the change i COMPLETELY understand, so how about this; next time you see anyone who seems to have something on their mind, ask them about it! make conversation, open up the lines of communication! Even if they don't want to talk about it they will know that someone cares :)

heres the link: 

Sunday 29 April 2012

Gotta start somewhere

Hello my lovely ladies and gents, turns out I am going to be somewhat productive....or maybe the complete opposite with this blog, during my spare time. I think this might be a fun way to share the adventures, however tiny or ginormous that I face! With the combination of being a Caper in Edmonton, a Child and Youth care graduate, a military wife to be, dedicated dog mama, craft experimenter and hostess extraordinar it is my hopes that I will entertain you with the happenings of my daily life. This adventure in blogging may start off slow but I hope you will stick with me through the complications of formatting (I don't even know what that means. Mah.) and keeping your interests alive!
Wish me luck!
